The sell side can put their fears at rest and potentially improve inventory yield while making advertising more effective through richer, more precise targeting.

Gerard Broussard Head ShotThe TV Ad Seller’s Programmatic Trepidation

Many TV networks are taking a measured view of programmatic TV, one that weighs the efficiencies of automated workflow against the risk that their inventory value could be compromised in a world where machines perform the heavy lifting. They look at the rise seen with programmatic strategies in the digital space as having spurred a decline in the value of the advertising.

TV asset owners are loath to see a repeat of the digital scenario, even though there’s recognition that TV inventory is in limited supply and therefore more price-buoyant. On the other hand, they acknowledge that programmatic might present a game-changing opportunity to improve operational efficiency and, ultimately, yield. But rather than going over the falls in a barrel, they need to float safely to their destination. This is where testing comes in.

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